Stains | Stain Powders: 1 gram
Price: £4.00 (Excluding VAT at 20%)
1 gram of Neutral Red powder, used as a general counterstain in zoology and for protozoa.
1 gram of Orange G, a useful stain for both botanical and zoological tissues.
1 gram of Ponceau Red, a botanical stain.
1 gram of Safranin, a useful counterstain for bateria and zoological tissue and a classical stain for botanical structures.
1 gram of Sudan 111, a stain specifically for fat in animal tissues.
1 gram of Basic Fuchsin, used to stain insect structures and TB bacteria.
1 gram of Acidic Fuchsin which is a general zoological stain.
1 gram of Gentian Violet, which is a general botanical stain.
1 gram of Light Green, which is a classical botanical stain.
1 gram of Methylene Blue, which is a very useful general stain, staining most structures varying shades of blue.
1 gram of Aniline Blue, used mainly for botanical work.
1 gram of Bismarck Brown, which is a general botanical stain.
1 gram of Congo Red, which is both a botanical and zoological stain.
1 gram of Eosin Aqueous, which is the classical zoological tissue conterstain used traditionally with one of the Haematoxylins.