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Dino-Lite Ultraviolet (UV)

Dino-Lite AM4115-CFVW Edge

Dino-Lite AM4115-CFVW Edge

Price: £674.67 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Magnification x10 to x70 and x200. 395mm excitation and 430mm emission UV 1.3M resolution image. Robust metal housing that is ESD safe. Still image, video clip and time lapse.

Dino-Lite AM4115T-JV Edge

Dino-Lite AM4115T-JV Edge

Price: £560.00 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Magnification x20 to x220 with 395nm wavelength UV illumination abd 940mm infrared. Superior Edge image performance, 1.3M resolution. Composite body. Advanced software measurement